Random thoughts of an anonymous man
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
  Nothing much to rant about today. Just spending the day typing away as usual. Listening to Coldplay this morning. It is shame that there aren't more bands out there like CP. Incredibly talented song writers, musicians, the whole package. I suppose there are more bands out there that are equally talented, but will never get the chance to prove it to the world. It seems in the music biz these days if you aren't flashy and don't appeal to underage girls you don't have much of a chance. Prepackaged and ready to serve to the masses. We know what you like so here it is.... Don't bother listening to anything else, don't experiment or listen to anything that might make you think of anything other than sex or money.... Hmmm... seems this has changed into a bit of a rant. Seriously though most bands that tell great stories or move you with their lyrics struggle. They are signed by idependent labels that are also struggling. However, I am sure it is rewarding for both the musician/s and idependent labels to be able to do something that they love. I am envious of that.... 
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