Okay with the all of the political positioning that is going on in these primaries I have been thinking.... It must be a sad existence to be a politician. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe these people truly do believe everything along the party lines. Maybe they can look at themselves in the mirror and say I believe with every ounce of my being that the such and such party beliefs are my beliefs. I know I certainly don't feel that way. I have been registered as a republican for several years now, but that certainly does not mean that I in any way advocate everything the republican administration is doing right now. I am sure there are things that have been done along "party lines" that I would agree with, but many things that have occurred just seem sleazy. I don't know.... The whole two party system just seems unfair. You either fit in this category or that category. There is no in between.... Seems awfully simplified for a nation of 280+ million people. To make things worse, candidates that lean a little to the left or a little to the right in either party seem to be cast out. Many of their ideas, valid or not, are ignored because they don't fall within the straight and narrow of their parties belief system.... Does that seem right? I look forward to the day when we can look at candidates that are honest and straightforward and that we can elect with good conscious knowing that they are going to do the best for the masses and not just for their party and their contributors.